Water/Sewer Dept.
Water Plant

Alliance Water Resources provides safe, clean water service to the City of Ste. Genevieve. The utility is one of the City’s major investments and allows Ste. Genevieve to be responsive to the present and future demands for water. The existing water supply system serves a total of more than 2,000 customers both in and around the municipality and has a total maximum flow of 1.5 million gallons per day.
The water system is supplied by four wells, with a combined capacity of 1,500 gallons per minute. New wells were drilled following the Mississippi River flooding in 1993. In addition, the City has a water storage capacity in excess of 1.4 million gallons. Water storage facilities include a 500,000 water tower located on State Route M, a 412,000 gallon ground storage tank located in Pointe Basse Subdivision, and a 450,000 gallon storage tank located at the water treatment plant off Market Street. The average water pressure is approximately 50 pounds per square inch with 28 miles of water main.
The water supply for the City of Ste. Genevieve is treated at a $2 million state of the art facility located on Market Street, west of the downtown area. The water treatment facility is equipped with a ClariCone solids-contract clarifier system. The totally hydraulic, up flow design offers significant operational and maintenance benefits. The plants lime softening process removes iron and manganese from the water supply. This facility is capable of treating 1.5 million gallons per day. A SCADA system monitors the operation of the treatment facility and alerts the staff to any malfunctions. Remote sensors at the City’s wells and sewage lift stations also feed information to the computer allowing rapid monitoring of both the water and sewage systems.
Sewer Plant

Ste. Genevieve’s wastewater sewer system serves approximately 95% of the corporate area and adjacent areas to the west and north of the City. Collection and adequate treatment of a city’s sewage is one of the most important functions of municipal government.
The present system consists of an extensive sewage collection network with an activated sludge wastewater treatment facility. The wastewater treatment plant was constructed in 1985 and went on-line in 1986. The facility has an oxidation ditch and two secondary clarifiers. The plant has a design capacity of 0.7 million gallons per day, with a population equivalent of 7,000. The current wastewater flow to the treatment facility is approximately 500,000 gallons per day. The sewerage collection system consists of approximately 33 miles of sewer lines ranging in size from 4” to 18” with over 300 manholes.
The City also operates six stations which are located at Market and Front Streets, Highway 32, Riverview Drive, Virginia Street, at the Community Center and on Robinwood Drive at the west end of the City. The lift stations at Market Street and Riverview Drive were newly constructed following the 1993 flood to replace stations damaged by flood water.
Maintenance Shed

Water Main Improvements
This City has a Water Main Improvement Plan adopted and is planned out to 2032. Funding issues have kept the City from performing more improvements, but here is the schedule with the original planning years as proposed by Cochran Engineering (water main improvements are for installing 6 inch PVC mains to replace existing 4 inch cast iron for better water pressure and fire flow):
2 Backup Generators for water wells - 2022
Roberts Street - 2022
Oakwood Dr. (back loop) - 2026
Main St. - 2024
Ridgeway/Virginia St. - 2025
LaHaye St. - 2026
Maxwell Hill Tank Active Mixing System - 2026
Fourth St. (Market to Linn) - 2027
Fourth St. (Linn to Cletus Kraenzle Dr.) - 2028
South Gabouri St. - 2029
Wehner St. - 2029
Highway 32 extension - 2030
Progress Parkway extension - 2031
Progress Parkway extension - 2032