Staff members in the Community Development Department work with developers, landowners and homeowners and assist with development process steps and permitting in the City of Ste. Genevieve. The Community Development staff can offer assistance with property subdivision and platting, special use, rezoning, and other development planning. Staff can also assist with questions about fences, outbuildings, pools and other minor improvements. The City of Ste. Genevieve welcomes all new development to the community. The city strives to provide the best customer service possible in helping new and existing property owners become established. Our goal is to provide the best customer service possible in an effort to obtain orderly construction to the fullest extent possible within the provisions of the Ste. Genevieve city codes.
If you seek to construct, improve, or demolish any structure, you must submit the applicable forms, and schedule the necessary inspections with the Community Development Department. Building permit applications and other development-related forms, and inspection requests are now submitted online through Cloudpermit - more information on Cloudpermit is below. You can obtain hard copy forms here or by visiting City Hall. Links to our current building codes are also below.
If you are simply changing occupancy (type of use of a building/unit or new occupant of a building/unit), you must first obtain an occupancy permit. An occupancy inspection is required prior to receiving the permit and prior to occupying the building/unit. An existing building/unit is exempt from this requirement if it has been inspected and received an occupancy permit within the past twelve (12) months. Water and sewer service cannot be established without an occupancy permit on file with the city.

Special consideration must be given to development projects that are proposed within the Ste. Genevieve National Register Historic District and may present additional considerations where new construction, re-development, adaptive re-use of an existing building or any exterior improvements are concerned. This process includes applying for a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) for most exterior improvements. A COA application can be obtained here but please contact Community Development if you have any questions first. Here is more information about the Historic District and the COA application process.
Submit your building permit application using Cloudpermit so that you can complete the entire process online on any desktop or mobile device. With Cloudpermit, you can:
Apply for building permits at any time, from anywhere.
Submit plans and documentation needed to apply for your permit.
Check the status of your building permit or building inspection (when your application status changes, you’ll automatically receive an email letting you know)
Schedule or cancel building inspections.
Communicate with your building department with time-stamped messages.
Request and submit changes to an existing building permit.
All real estate and personal property taxes, property records, and assessments are handled by Ste. Genevieve County.
The Community Development Department also oversees nuisance complaints, floodplain regulations, planning and zoning operations, and code enforcement.
Contact the Community Development Administrator or the Building Inspector at 573-883-5400 to insure you have the appropriate information. The Building Inspector works the following days each week:
Monday - Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
The Community Development Director is in:
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.